Most Folks Call Insects Bugs. But Are They All True Bugs? Pic of the Week #8 2021

Theme. Close up – Zoom

Actually, both bugs and beetles are defined as insects. Insect refers to any arthropod of the class Insecta.

In this photograph, we have a beetle. It belongs to a group of insects that form the order Coleoptera, in the superorder Endopterygota. Their front pair of wings are hardened into wing-cases, elytra, distinguishing them from most other insects.

If I’m not mistaken,  this beetle belongs to the  Family of Scarabadaeide — genera and specie — Pentodon bidens punctatus

The term bug did not mean insect until the 17th century (1601 – 1700) when the term began to be used to describe insects. It appears that the first insect linked with the word was the pesky bed bug.

In the 18th century (1701 – 1800), scientist Carl Linnaeus helped establish the naming system that is still in use today. His method of organizing living things by their similarities is known as taxonomy. Insects that became grouped in the same order as bed bugs have since been called “true bugs.”

I love insects and creepy critters. I find them interesting to study.

La traduzione dall’inglese all’italiano non prevede il termine ‘Bug’. Per noi sono tutti insetti. Ma sono tutti veri insetti? Allora, ‘Bug’ si riferisce a insetti fastidiosi come le cimici o affidi che sono dannose per le piante per nominarne alcune.

In realtà, sia gli insetti dannosi, ‘Bug’, che i coleotteri sono definiti insetti. L’insetto si riferisce a qualsiasi artropode della classe Insecta.

In questa fotografia abbiamo uno scarabeo. Appartiene a un gruppo di insetti che formano l’ordine Coleoptera, nel superordine Endopterygota. Le loro ali anteriori sono indurite in astucci alari, elitre, che le distinguono dalla maggior parte degli altri insetti.

Se non erro, questo coleottero appartiene alla Famiglia degli Scarabadaeide – genere e specie– Pentodon bidens punctatus.

Il termine insetto, ‘Bug’ non significava insetto fino al XVII secolo (1601-1700), quando il termine iniziò ad essere usato per descrivere gli insetti. Sembra che il primo insetto collegato alla parola fosse la fastidiosa cimice dei letti.

Nel XVIII secolo (1701-1800), lo scienziato Carl Linnaeus ha contribuito a stabilire il sistema di denominazione che è ancora in uso oggi. Il suo metodo di organizzare gli esseri viventi in base alle loro somiglianze è noto come tassonomia. Gli insetti che sono stati raggruppati nello stesso ordine delle cimici dei letti da allora sono stati chiamati “veri insetti”. Diciamo, veri insetti fastidiosi e nocivi.

Adoro gli insetti e le creature inquietanti. Li trovo così interessanti da studiare.

Author: eleanorannpeterson

I’m a nature-loving adventurer and children’s book author whose life has been an exhilarating journey. Originally hailing from Ottawa, Canada, I developed a deep fascination for wildlife while chasing after wild animals in the swamps. Although I initially aspired to become a veterinarian, my path took an unexpected turn when I relocated to Italy. In Italy, I pursued my passion for nature by earning a BS in Environmental Sciences and Territorial Management. This educational experience further ignited my love for writing about the natural world and its diverse wildlife. I’m an active member of several professional organizations, including SCBWI, 12x12PB Challenge, and the Children’s Book Academy. Constantly seeking growth and connection within the industry, I engage with fellow writers and storytellers. Despite my affinity for all creatures, I humorously admit that my nine cats can be the most challenging animals to handle. When I’m not wrangling my feline friends, I spend my time writing, doodling, playing with clay, gardening, and exploring the enchanting Italian countryside with my husband. I also love preparing homemade pasta, showcasing my culinary skills.

3 thoughts

  1. Bugs! They are interesting and creepy. Isn’t it funny that some are so cute (ladybugs, butterflies, honey bees) while others (earwigs, flies, aphids) are not? Great close up shot. 🙂

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