Fall Writing Frenzy 2022 Contest

I love these contests because they get my creative juices going, and I can connect with my peers and read their stories.

I chose this picture as a prompt to write my 200-word manuscript.

Fall Writing Frenzy Prompt

Here’s my entry for the Fall Writing Frenzy.

190 WC ‘The Not-So-Scary Pumpkin Scarecrow.’

T’was the night before Christmas. No, no! T’was the night before Halloween.

The chilling wind blew early snowflakes over the pumpkin patch ruffling our fur. We feasted on the pumpkins hoping the farmers would not return.

A dense fog soon draped the patch like a blanket.

Our long rat tails twitched, hearing an eery squeaky sound. We stood on our hind legs and stretched our necks, peering through the fog.

Two skeleton-like silhouettes pushed a creaky wheel barrel near our Halloween banquet.

They seized some spooky pumpkins and stacked them one over the other.

The scrawny skeletons snickered. “This will keep them away.”

We crept closer as the skeleton’s shadows faded in the foggy night.

Dim glowing flames flickered in the dark, melting into the background of the night sky.

We skidded and swerved among the vines following the light.

We sniffed and scratched the surface of the first pumpkin. High above, crows jabbed at its head.

We all scrambled up the pumpkin scarecrow reaching its wide open mouth.

The candles flickered, warming our limbs. The fragrance of cooked pumpkin filled our nostrils.

Soon there stood a not-so-scary pumpkin scarecrow.

Happy Halloween, everyone. Remember, rats are very intelligent. Their ancestors lived 160 MYA alongside dinosaurs in the Jurassic period. Really!

Adoro questi concorsi perché stimolano la mia creatività e posso connettermi con i miei colleghi e leggere i loro scritti.

Ho scelto questa immagine come suggerimento per scrivere il mio manoscritto di 200 parole. (Vedi Sopra)

Ecco il mio racconto per il concorso Fall Writing Frenzy.

190 parole ‘Lo Spaventapasseri Poco Spaventoso.’

Era la notte prima di Natale. No, no! Era la notte prima di Halloween.

Il vento gelido soffiava i primi fiocchi di neve sulla macchia di zucca che arruffava la nostra pelliccia. Ci abbuffavamo sulle zucche sperando che i contadini non tornassero piu.

Ben presto una fitta nebbia drappeggiò la macchia come una coperta.

Le nostre lunghe code di topo si contrassero, sentendo uno strano suono stridulo. Restammo sulle zampe posteriori e allungammo il collo, scrutando attraverso la nebbia.

Due sagome simili a scheletri spingevano una cariola scricchiolante vicino al nostro banchetto di Halloween.

Presero delle zucche spettrali e le accatastarono una sull’altra.

Gli scheletri spogli della loro carne risero. “Questo li terrà lontani.”

Ci avvicinammo di soppiatto mentre le ombre degli scheletri sbiadivano nella notte nebbiosa.

Fiamme luminose tremolavano nell’oscurità, fondendosi sullo sfondo del cielo notturno.

Sbandavamo e deviavamo tra le vigne seguendo la luce.

Annusammo e graffiammo la superficie della prima zucca. In alto, i corvi gli puntavano alla testa.

Ci arrampicammo tutti su per lo spaventapasseri di zucca raggiungendo la sua bocca spalancata.

Le candele tremolavano, riscaldando le nostre membra. Il profumo della zucca cotta ci riempì le narici.

Presto ci ramasi uno spaventapasseri di zucca, che al dire il vero, divenne poco spaventoso.

Buon Halloween a tutti.

Ricordatevi, i topi sono molto intelligenti. I loro antenati vissero 160 MA fa insieme ai dinosauri nel periodo del Giurassico. Veramente!

Author: eleanorannpeterson

I’m a nature-loving adventurer and children’s book author whose life has been an exhilarating journey. Originally hailing from Ottawa, Canada, I developed a deep fascination for wildlife while chasing after wild animals in the swamps. Although I initially aspired to become a veterinarian, my path took an unexpected turn when I relocated to Italy. In Italy, I pursued my passion for nature by earning a BS in Environmental Sciences and Territorial Management. This educational experience further ignited my love for writing about the natural world and its diverse wildlife. I’m an active member of several professional organizations, including SCBWI, 12x12PB Challenge, and the Children’s Book Academy. Constantly seeking growth and connection within the industry, I engage with fellow writers and storytellers. Despite my affinity for all creatures, I humorously admit that my nine cats can be the most challenging animals to handle. When I’m not wrangling my feline friends, I spend my time writing, doodling, playing with clay, gardening, and exploring the enchanting Italian countryside with my husband. I also love preparing homemade pasta, showcasing my culinary skills.

20 thoughts

  1. Eleanor, I love rats 🙂 Your story is filled with terrific humor and facts about those squeaky rodents. Good luck!

  2. Your story gave me GOOSEBUMPS! SO CREEPY! SO GOOD! The descriptive words made me feel the eeriness.

  3. Beautifully written from the rats’ point of view, and very atmospheric. I also love all the details that appeal to the senses, e.g. the chilling wind ruffling their fur, and the fragrance of cooked pumpkin!

  4. SPOOOOOOOOKY from the chilling wind to the dense, right up until the wam and cozy ending with candles flickering to warm their limbs. Good luck in the 2022 Fall Writing Frenzy

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